Pharmaceutical distribution

Pharmaceutical distribution

In addition to owning GDP & GSP certified pharmaceutical warehouses, Buymed currently operates a modern order processing center system. The integration between the warehouse system and the order processing center will help customers accurately update delivery times in real-time, minimize manual errors, and reduce costs associated with unsuccessful deliveries.
warehouse system
have GSP & GDP certified
to deliver products to customer

Logistical challenges

Incorrect or missing deliveries
Limited direct delivery
Delayed deliveries and loss of revenue
Inefficient manual process
No automatic tracking methods
High delivery costs

Products management
Allows partners to manage their products, including descriptions, prices, promotions, ingredients, usage instructions, and images. This ensures that product information is accurate and appealing to customers.
Order management
Sellers can track and manage customer orders through Seller Center. Order management features include order confirmation, order processing, and tracking delivery status.
Inventory management
Allow sellers to manage their inventory; update inventory quantities, track the progress of incoming shipments. This helps ensure that products are always available and managed efficiently.
Reporting & Analyzing
Provide statistical tools and reports for sellers to track and evaluate their business performance. These reports include sales figures, operational metrics, upcoming reconciliation periods, and other key indicators. This helps sellers make informed business decisions and improve sales performance.


At Buymed, the process of importing and exporting medicine undergoes strict quality control from the point of medicine importation to delivery to customers' hands to ensure the quality, source, and origin of the medicine. On average, the company can process from 3200 to 3500 orders per day. During peak times, this number can reach up to 4000 orders.
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